Hello, and welcome to my little spot on the world wide web.
My name is Caitlin and I've been online since 1999.
Here I will store some old internet memories of mine as well as current hobby things such as EGL coords, my favorite recipes, and current favorite websites.
I now have a blog where I'll be posting about events and doing reviews on afternoon tea spots and other cute things!
My old guestbook is no longer able to be signed since the website hosting it is shutting down. You can view the old one here while it's still available. The new one is in the navigation menu.
In other news, I'm working on finally adding the rest of my wardrobe to this site!
Updated layout! EGL gallery and wardrobe have been fully added. You may now look at the EGL clothing I have or even make a coordinate on the wardrobe page!
Added custom 404 pages, started work on EGL page, new splash page.
Added some more links and added pixels~
Updated about me, added site button (above) and some favorite weblinks~
Added some 88x31 buttons for flair. Also bought a DOMAIN!!! for the site! Soon www.keitor.in will redirect here ^_^
Changed layout up some. Working on adding pages so keep checking back! Added Spotify playlist to the bottom of the page, please check it out.
Site is under construction! :-)